
Sex Ed, Utah Style

Loved this comic from the folks at idrewthis.org: According to the Deseret News, the State board of education has revised its parental permission form for Utah's sexual education program.

The form, offered in seven languages, states public schools will teach abstinence before marriage and fidelity after marriage; require prior parental consent before teaching any aspect of contraception and/or condoms; and deliver information about communicable diseases, including those transmitted sexually, such as HIV and AIDS.

The form states what is not approved by the state board and can't be taught: intricacies of intercourse, sexual stimulation or erotic behavior; advocacy of homosexuality; advocacy or encouragement of the use of contraceptive methods or devices; and advocacy for sexual activity outside of marriage.

If teachers are not allowed to portray homosexuality in a positive light or talk about sex outside of marriage, where does this leave gay students who can't get married and already hear about the 'evils of homosexuality' from parents and church?


Max Sartin said...

Hey, just found your blog, linked from teh Pride Center, and really liked the comic. I think I'll keep track and maybe join one of your activities sometime....

XL said...

Yay! Glad to hear the word is getting out. You are invited to come and hang out with us anytime!

Unknown said...

I say education is always the answer for preventing STI's but this "education" isn't right. I'm not saying isn't wrong either but if they know the reality of sex then they should think this process not only twice but multiple times. WE should step in and voice this out!