
Routine Testing-It Ain't Happening!

This just in from the New York Times:

STD screening is a critical part of health care for sexually active gay men, but few present annually for testing as CDC recommends. In addition, when gay men do present, many doctors fail to screen them for STD's.
Not only are we not getting tested but we are aren't getting all the right tests:

A study by CDC's Dr. Kristen Mahle found that among asymptomatic gay men, many were not tested at all anatomical sites of exposure, so that more than one-third
of rectal gonorrhea infections and more than a quarter of throat infections were missed. Gonorrhea tests should include specimens from all possible sites, including the throat, rectum, and genitals.
Anyone care to share why they do or don't get tested and where they recommend getting tested?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SL County is cheap and does it all. UAF is good too. I get tested about every 6 months and had chlamydia once with no symptoms so I always get tested for everything not just HIV.