
Love Letter to Lube

Where would we be without modern lube? Crisco? Methinks Crisco belongs in the kitchen with Pam. Plus it eats through condoms! KY Jelly? Its like dipping your junk in rubber cement. Jergens? Maybe if you are twelve and need some alone time. No thanks, not when the wonders of sexual science have blessed us with silicone delights of Eros Bodyglide, Swiss Navy, and ID Millenium.

It might take a good scrubbing in the shower to get off, but silicone lube goes and goes and goes, and is REALLY great for reducing your risk of tearing your rectum when engaging in bum fun. Thanks lube, for making sex slippery-er and safer.

Enjoy these Lube factoids from our Bar-B-Queer:
(Correction: As one of our readers pointed out, the manufacturer of Elbow Grease removed the ingredient Nonoxynol-9 from its product line in 2002 at the request of the CDC.) Those last two are a bit controversial. Care to comment?


Unknown said...

I expect more from a site run by a public health organization -- namely, accurate information.

As of late 2002, the manufacturer has removed nonoxynol-9 from Elbow Grease personal lubricants as requested by the CDC.

There are many different kinds of Elbow Grease lube, including water-based, which are condom compatible.

Too much lube can actually be a bad thing. Applying an excessive amount before putting the condom on makes it likely to slip off.

And what about silicone-based lubes -- a great alternative to petroleum-based products?

XL said...

Re: Prae

Thanks for your comments! I appreciate your correction regarding Elbow Grease and Nonoxynol-9. While several online distributors still list it as containing nonoxynol-9, I should have contacted the manufacturer directly to confirm.

One other caution with oil-based lubes like ID Cream and Elbow Grease Classic. Not only can they weaken condoms, but they also leave a coating in the rectum that can lead to bacterial infections.

In the post I devoted a paragraph extolling the virtues of silicone-based lubes, but I did neglect to mention that silicone can damage sex toys made of silicone. I would recommend that you try a small amount on the base of the sex toy before to test it out.